Sunday 14 October 2012

Only 4 days until I go!

On Thursday the 18th of October, I will be leaving for Tanzania! I will be there for 10 days where I will be spending time at Makole Primary School, in Dodoma. I am very excited to see how Woodmansterne can link with Makole to enable both schools to learn new things.

Last summer term, we were very lucky to be visited by Hamis, the headteacher at Makole, along with some other headteachers from Dodoma. I am very much looking forward to seeing them again, and meeting all the staff and children out there!

On this blog, I will keep you updated with my visit. There will also be lots of opportunities for you to comment and contribute - I cannot wait to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Miss Newman (RN)


  1. I hope you have a lovely time Miss Newman!

  2. Thankyou Emily! I am very excited to meet all the staff and children at Makole school.

    1. I hope you come back and tell us all about your trip and i hope you have a safe trip

  3. I hope you have a nice trip.

  4. Hi
    hope you have a great time and cant wait to hear your stories when you get back.
    Safiya (6R) and Zaara (3H)
